Specialist support for women in
Welcome to our curated directory of women’s centres and specialised support services in Yorkshire.
The National Women’s Justice Coalition advocates for high standards in trauma-informed and gender-specific care for women and girls within the criminal justice system. Each service listed on the Women’s Services Map has been reviewed and endorsed by the NWJC, with ongoing updates to ensure that all information remains accurate and current.
Women’s Centres inYorkshire
Here’s a guide to women’s centres in Yorkshire that deliver specialised services aimed at supporting the complex needs of women and girls.
Included services may feature community support groups, clinics, programs, drop-in sessions, self-help courses, outreach from prison, and casework support. These services cater to various needs such as Accommodation, Domestic Abuse, Education, Training and Employment, Family, Parenting and Relationships, Finance, Benefit and Debt, Mental Health, Sexual Violence and Exploitation, Substance Misuse and Volunteering.
Click on the Centre names to explore detailed information about their specialised services and support.