Specialist support for women in
Welcome to this directory of women’s centres and specialist women’s services based and operating in Cornwall.
The National Women’s Justice Coalition believes all women and girls in contact with the criminal justice system should have access to high quality, trauma-responsive, gender-specific specialist services that are evidence-based and continuously improving. To support this, each of the organisations featured on the Women’s Services Map has been reviewed and verified by the NWJC and the services advertised in this directory are routinely checked and updated for accuracy and availability.
Women’s Centres inCornwall
This is a list of women’s centres in Cornwall that offer a range of specialist services to address women and girl’s complex and multiple needs.
These services may include community support groups, clinics, programmes and drop-ins, self-help courses and trainings, prison-based and in-reach services, casework support and one to one personalised support and seek to address the following support needs: Accommodation, Behavioural Support, Domestic Abuse, Education, Training and Employment, Family, Parenting and Relationships, Finance, Benefit and Debt, Mental Health, Physical Health & Wellbeing, Sexual Violence and Exploitation and Substance Misuse
Click on the Centre name to find out more about the featured organisation and the specialist women’s services they provide.