Welcome to our curated directory of women’s centres and specialised support services in Hertfordshire.

The National Women’s Justice Coalition advocates for high standards in trauma-informed and gender-specific care for women and girls within the criminal justice system. Each service listed on the Women’s Services Map has been reviewed and endorsed by the NWJC, with ongoing updates to ensure that all information remains accurate and current.

Women’s Centres inHertfordshire

Here’s a guide to women’s centres in Hertfordshire that deliver specialised services aimed at supporting the complex needs of women and girls.

Included services may feature community support groups, clinics, programs, drop-in sessions, self-help courses, outreach from prison, and casework support. These services cater to various needs such as Accommodation, Behavioural Support, Domestic Abuse, Education, Training and Employment, Family, Parenting and Relationships, Finance, Benefit and Debt, Physical Health & Wellbeing, Sexual Violence and Exploitation and Substance Misuse.

Click on the Centre names to explore detailed information about their specialised services and support.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Accommodation challenges

These dedicated accommodation services support women living in temporary or insecure housing, as well as those who are homeless or sofa surfing. They may also help women to find safe, approved premises or affordable accommodation solutions.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Behavioural Support challenges

These behavioural support services focus on building confidence and providing women with the tools and guidance needed to overcome issues such as social anxiety and relationship difficulties. They also support women and girls in creating effective emotional coping strategies and fostering positive social behaviours.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Domestic Abuse challenges

For women and girls affected by domestic violence and abuse, support services provide crucial help in managing the physical, emotional, financial, and practical challenges of their situation. These services offer essential support for those seeking safety, leaving abusive relationships, or recovering from trauma.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Education, Training and Employment challenges

Support services for women and girls focus on facilitating access to education, training, and employment, including both paid and voluntary roles, as they leave prison. These services address challenges such as unemployment and the disclosure of criminal convictions, aiding their re-entry into the job market or educational pursuits.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Family, Parenting and Relationships challenges

These dedicated services and programmes support women in handling the challenges associated with caring responsibilities, parenting, and maintaining trusted interpersonal relationships with family members, partners, friends, and colleagues. The aim is to assist women in effectively managing these vital aspects of their lives.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Finance, Benefit and Debt challenges

Women often encounter significant stress and difficulty due to financial issues, benefits, and debt. Specialist finance, benefit, and debt support services provide a range of assistance, from financial advice and debt management plans to guidance on benefits and referrals to expert support services designed to help overcome financial challenges.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Sexual Violence and Exploitation challenges

Specialist support is essential for women and girls who have experienced or are experiencing sexual violence and exploitation. This support aims to address the multifaceted impacts of abuse, including physical, emotional, financial, and logistical challenges. Services are available for survivors of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), victims of trafficking, sexual exploitation, and individuals involved with or leaving sex work.

Support for women in Hertfordshire with Substance Misuse challenges

Specialist services offer support to women and girls struggling with addiction and substance dependency, including drug and alcohol issues. They provide assistance with cessation and intervention treatments, aid in recovery from addiction, and help those with problems related to unsafe substances. Services are also available for individuals who identify as recovering addicts.