Migrant women needculturally sensitive and responsive specialist support
Black and minoritised migrant women and girls interacting with the immigration and criminal justice systems need specialist, culturally sensitive, trauma-informed support to rebuild their lives.
Foreign Nationals (FNs), Black, Minority Ethnic and Refugees (BMER) migrant women and girls need high-impact support and advocacy services that recognise and respond to their complex circumstances and personal situations.
Specialist services may include:
- Welfare and advocacy in prisons programmes
- Support and advice returning to home countries
- Returning to the community from prison and detention
- Women-centred approach to combating trafficking
- Supporting refugees and asylum seeks across community, prisons and Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs)
- Activities and workshops to help women learn new skills, improve their well-being, and work on their agency and empowerment
- Support women with trafficking concerns including women referred to National Referral Mechanism, with Positive or Negative Conclusive Grounds
- Support for women and their families in court, Pre-Departure Accommodation, detention and prison, and those receiving specialist welfare support
SelectedImmigration and asylum support services
We have curated the following shortlist of women’s organisations, women’s centres and specialist women’s organisations that can offer support, advice and signposting to immigration and asylum services in the UK. You can also search for immigration and asylum support services near you by using our search facility