Migrant women needculturally sensitive and responsive specialist support

Black and minoritised migrant women and girls interacting with the immigration and criminal justice systems need specialist, culturally sensitive, trauma-informed support to rebuild their lives.

Foreign Nationals (FNs), Black, Minority Ethnic and Refugees (BMER) migrant women and girls need high-impact support and advocacy services that recognise and respond to their complex circumstances and personal situations.

Specialist services may include:

  • Welfare and advocacy in prisons programmes
  • Support and advice returning to home countries
  • Returning to the community from prison and detention
  • Women-centred approach to combating trafficking
  • Supporting refugees and asylum seeks across community, prisons and Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs)
  • Activities and workshops to help women learn new skills, improve their well-being, and work on their agency and empowerment
  • Support women with trafficking concerns including women referred to National Referral Mechanism, with Positive or Negative Conclusive Grounds
  • Support for women and their families in court, Pre-Departure Accommodation, detention and prison, and those receiving specialist welfare support