Women and their wider familiescan benefit from family-focused support

The majority of women in prison and in contact with the criminal justice system have dependents and caring responsibilities and an estimated 17,000 children are affected by maternal imprisonment in the UK every year.

Offering support to women who need to navigate and manage their family, parenting and interpersonal relationships as part of their justice journey can not only positively impact the woman herself, but also benefits her wider family and community.

Specialist services aimed at supporting women with family, parenting responsibilities and relationships may include:

  • Early parenting support with toddlers, pre-school age children and young children – this may include help accessing childcare or creche provision
  • Bonding and relationship building with children
  • Managing family life
  • Dealing with conflict, challenging behaviour, bullying and harassment
  • Parental mental health
  • Supporting children’s mental health
  • Developing trust in interpersonal relationships
  • Managing wider relationships with family members, partners, friends and colleagues.