Yada delivers frontline projects aimed at raising awareness and preventing the sexual exploitation of self-identifying women. We work across Adur, Worthing, Arun and Chichester local authority districts.
Yada’s vision is to see a world with no place for sexual exploitation, where women can live a life free from abuse, stigma and violence.
Yada’s meaning ‘to be known’, motivates us to create a culture of support and acceptance for each individual, acknowledging that each women’s experiences are unique. Yada seeks to challenge victim-blaming language and attitudes.
Yada adopts a trauma informed approach to its work and aims to improve the quality of life of individuals who are affected by sexual exploitation by providing support services and raising awareness.
Yada aims to:
- Work to prevent the sexual exploitation of women and young people.
- Develop services that enable women and young people to build relationships of trust that can support them in addressing the complex issues they face.
- Help women and young people build resilience to sexual exploitation.
- Educate and inform the wider community about issues associated with sexual exploitation.
- Facilitate women and young people to live empowered lives in connection and community.
Services offered by this centre
Referral Information
Call, text, WhatsApp or email our discrete, confidential, non-judgemental female team:
Rachel – TEP Lead
07843 192563
[email protected]
Candice – TEP Outreach Worker
07843 189349
[email protected]
Lucy – TEP Outreach Worker
07354 248393
[email protected]
Call or email The Esther Project team at our office:
07902 726432
[email protected]
Referrals Offered:
- This centre offers Booking referrals
- This centre does not offer Drop-in referrals
- This centre offers Electronic referrals
- This centre does not offer Other – See referral information referrals
Referrals Email Address:
[email protected]
Referrals Telephone Number:
07902 726432