Changing Lives South Yorkshire CRS
As Commissioned Rehabilitation Services provider for the Ministry of Justice, Changing Lives provides support to women in the community and prison who are under the supervision of the Probation Service. Changing Lives supports women and girls around experiences where gender, the very fact of being a woman, is significant. This includes those who have experienced domestic abuse, sexual exploitation and have contact with the criminal justice system. We understand that the experiences of women often differ to those of men. We provide specialist support in safe and trusted women-only environments. We recognise the amazing resilience in the people we support, whilst understanding that the impact of childhood trauma and abuse which too often continues into adulthood requires long term support. Underpinning all our services is an in-depth understanding of trauma and a focus on recovery, resilience and community integration.
Changing Lives South Yorkshire CRS is delivered in partnership with GROW and Together Women.
Services offered by this centre
Referral Information
Referrals for Changing Lives Commissioned Rehabilitative Services can only be made by Probation Practitioners via the HMPPS Refer and Monitor an Intervention system.
Referrals Offered:
- This centre does not offer Booking referrals
- This centre does not offer Drop-in referrals
- This centre does not offer Electronic referrals
- This centre offers Other – See referral information referrals
Referrals Email Address:
[email protected]